A couple of weeks ago WOMAD took a place in Abu Dhabi, I put some effort to make it and to meet up a couple of my good friends. . and it was so damn worth it..
We were in the front line, and there was this dude between us and the stage.. he did not look like a security guard nor like an organizer.. he was just put there to confuse people maybe?

Kamal Musallam, a Jordanian guitarist based in Dubai, and his band were the first to launch the festival (I guess?) .. I arrived in the middle of their show. They had a local band featured with them, it's called Sokoor Al Magabeel. Both bands mixed some nice music actually.. I found this rehearsal clip on youtube. Checkout it out ;)
nice juxtaposition by a young lady who was standing next to me..

he got really excited through the show..

The only okay frame I managed to get of Kamal Musallam.. not too bad I guess for it was my first time to shoot in a concert.. and i only had my 50mm lens, and no flash.
and I wasn't as lucky as some who got media access.. closer to the stage.
The show was a good warm up.. for the real thing next. Souad Massi, and if you don't know who Souad Massi is then go and do your homework (I must admit I did not know about her until shortly before the festival). We were in the front line when she first came out for the setup..
along with her band..
and then she was presented to kick off her show..
The music.. the performance.. the everything.. was awesome..
he played some fantastic tunes too..
but our dude here had to keep reminding us he is around..

Souad got so much into her music she managed to turn his head..
and the chaps met Souad and took typical fans photos with her too ;)
she is someone worth being a fan of.. for real
we weren't that close to each other physically

Kamal Musallam, a Jordanian guitarist based in Dubai, and his band were the first to launch the festival (I guess?) .. I arrived in the middle of their show. They had a local band featured with them, it's called Sokoor Al Magabeel. Both bands mixed some nice music actually.. I found this rehearsal clip on youtube. Checkout it out ;)
Souad got so much into her music she managed to turn his head..