Two weeks ago, I returned from my first trip to .. Canada..
I went to visit Majed and Magdalena..
and met their young.. Husky
I came back with no major injuries, except a crooked nose that still makes some funny sound sometimes.. it happened in my third day whilst whitewater rafting in Ottawa river.. I slammed my face into the boat whilst going down one shaft.. that was funny, I thought of putting the video of the hit in this blog but I find it more painful that artistic ;) Went to the hospital using Majed's ID, we kinda look a like and the bag of ice on my face helped.. It was bleeding on and off for a couple of days and I am now left with some funny sound..
Saw the flags of all provinces, but didn't get to visit all provinces, it was almost a three week vacation only. Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto and Niagara are the places I visited during this first trip.. Them places were good enough to give me an initial impression on what living in Canada is like.. sort of. In Canada.. people walk..
both ways..
with big steps sometimes..
or smaller steps when holding maps..
trendy ..
leaving Yesterday behind.. and there is always someone who walks to the right when everyone else walks to the left..
some have been together for too long that they sync even whilst walking..
some have been walking for a long time that it shows..
some walk with grumpy faces.. oi!
not sure if it was her or myself who turned his head.
some walk like champions..
and when in a rush.. Canadians run!
some prefer to sit down.. alone..
with a long term friend.. or partner..
to read..
or to eat..
Can be considered sitting..
Majed got accepted in a teaching position in Canterbury during my visit and he is lovin' it , we went to a fine pizza place to celebrate with Dorota and Steve.. Majed is an Art and Media Technology teacher now.. teaching cool stuff to future artists..
Dorota and Steve got married right before I arrived.. their wedding was in Cuba, a lovely couple.. they had a wedding reception party in town during my visit.. a separate blog entry goes for that evening..
Dorota is Magda's twin sister..
If you're interested in knowing what's behind his door, google: 487, Lewis St, Ottawa, ON
Paul, M&M's neighbor, a nice guy with a cool tattoo that is a piece of art in process still.. got a little dog who becomes furious when Majed is around..
Canadians don't only walk and sit.. they stand too..
matching orange.. Go Dutch!
as if she was posing for me.. awesome dogs..
some gave me 'the look'
some can't find coins..
the image..
the person..
some urban scapes form Ottawa..
the national archive..
missed Word Press Photo '08 Exhibition in Rotterdam, NL last month, so I managed to catch the one Ottawa's War Museum.. some impressive photos, some not.
Old Montreal.. it seems like a european pitch in Canada.. not so european though, speaking some french with weird accent in not enough ;)
Quebecian garbage..
some funny car plate.. not sure if it a plate.. I think the front plate is not mandatory in some places..
water lines.. art
Magda got herself a Tuna sub..
cute pet..
poor dog.. what were they thinking when they dressed the little dog in pink?
compact bus..
we were heading to back to the car when we stopped to get some sangria and other cold drinks, it was sunny but windy a bit, so I got some annoying stomach burn for around 15minutes.. I was sweating and in pain. We passed by this scene, it seemed like some serious accident, I couldn't take more photos or get closer, my stomach bugged me.. look at the front window of the car..
i felt better in the car, or maybe when i heard that we're going to have some poutine. Majed approaching with the yummy poutine.
we met Amer.. I haven't seen him since graduation, he graduated one batch earlier than us..
we met in Montreal's little Italy.. back to Ottawa..
the Fairmont Château Laurier hotel in the horizon..
this is what you get if you're so into north american junk food..
we have some Vietnamese food here once, very tasty but too damn spicy..
graffiti on the walls of downtown basketball court in ottawa..
Canadians don't only walk, sit and stand.. they ride bicycles too!
not all Canadian like to cycle on bicycle routes.. some are too ambitious they go beyond their limits..
and they park their bicycles in creative ways..
So Husky and I became friends.. and we had some interesting shooting sessions.. interesting for me, not for him when I wake him up.. 50mm f/1.4
We went to Niagara falls and Toronto in the last two days of my visit, it was a weekend and Niagara Falls were not on the top of my list.. but I was stunned by the falls and how beautiful the scene is from the Canadian side..
despite the fact that it was a human circus in there.. like someone told me.
the difference in shooting with and without a polarizer..
I didn't get this part..
Kosher Hot Dogs.. with Falls mist and blessings..
getting too close to this side was my favorite, the rapid was too fast I so felt like jumping!
the higher the better?
spirits of the falls ;)
a photo to remember..
nice shoes..
intimate moments inspired by the falls..
we had some good dinner in Casino Niagara and then went back to Toronto.. we stayed at Anna and Jeff's place.. awesome guys.. i met some very nice people during this visit. The next day was my last day, my flight was in the evening and it happened to be the last day of the EX or CNE
Can you find me in this shot? no I am not on the rooftop, I took this shot myself. It was a beautiful sunny day, maybe too sunny they had to park in the shed..
Anna, Magda, Majed and Jeff.. on the way to the Ex
this kid did well.. made his gradpa proud..
it sucks to be the one carrying the bag and prizes in the Ex..
it sucks to have the elder one going like: hmm.. let me try it to see if it tastes good!
Majed standing in line to get me a corndog..
there was a funky air show too..
lots of people were out enjoying the last days of the sun before the weather gets cold..
during the day, Anna was talking a lot about the best burritos place in Toronto.. we were running out of time but Anna was so keen on taking us there.. so we squeezed time and we went there all hungry after a long day of walking.. only to find the Burrito Boyz closed.. it was the Labor Day, a public holiday =)
the last meal I had before I got on the place was some kick ass burgers at the airport from some place called Coyote Jack's Grill. The return flight was an endless nightmare, it took forever.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Canada.. Cities, Streets, Falls, etc.
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i love i love i love each single photo!! and ur comments abt Canadian ppl, hehe.. u're hilarious..